A raw bone turned under foot. The pirate saw it and stopped. "What are you getting at!" said the loud one. He was still. The bone was something. A kind feeling came into him and he sunk. It was in his hands and he had tears on his face. What had he seen? The loud one reacted first. They had to all of them be quick, not knowing when the She-dragon would return. On the boat, at the first glance the Captain saw it had been true. The boat 'twere weighed down with the eggs. "Had ye no room then? for where is the man called Justin?" "He was beside himself" the loud one said truthfully. "There be strange things in the lair of the dragon," he told them when they still listened. Justin gradually felt a throbbing in his head. He saw above him the cave and he grew chilled. "Have no fear man," spoke the Dragon. The Dragon had only just returned, and though she smelled his presence she had followed the scent of her eggs to the water, roaring. ...

Leg Squat blog welcomes you to a growing portfolio of middle school fairytales and young children stories. See the archive for articles related to Prophetic Nuclear Disarmament or Prayer Against Torture. The title is a play on the combined meanings of the prefix Leg- (Latin legere) to gather, choose, pluck, read: lectern, lecture. Squat. -n. The lair of a hare.