In the theme song of The Wizard of Oz, "Somewhere under the rainbow," the idea of our treasure is surprisingly closer than we think. While it's a truism we can overlook "the rainbow." We risk impoverished lives, persuade ourselves our head is on straight, ignore neighbors, neglect friends. We take for granted the people with us on our journey who accompany us. Since Covid many new possibilities, these neighbors, have come alive. Our block, some 70 multi-family houses, began to recognize each other. Then school began and as we form a stream heading to the local school, the four families with pre-school kids become a set. This past Halloween rainbows poured over the block as Emily and I opened our home for a pre-Trick-or-Treat gathering, mixing neighbors and old friends. When a community meeting around a backyard cottage was called last January, on a list gathered by our City Councilor, one single respondent raised a hack. This past week on the same email chain...

Leg Squat blog welcomes you to a growing portfolio of middle school fairytales and young children stories. See the archive for articles related to Prophetic Nuclear Disarmament or Prayer Against Torture. The title is a play on the combined meanings of the prefix Leg- (Latin legere) to gather, choose, pluck, read: lectern, lecture. Squat. -n. The lair of a hare.